About M Gray Online

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Matthew Gray a first-year student at the University of Otago studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Theatre studies.

My interests

I'm a self taught web developer and programmer who began learning to code in 2017. I've been working on my own projects and learning ever since, including working with robotics for competitions, creating websites, and working on my own projects.

I've also been involved in theatre since 2021, and whilst I'm not a performer I enjoy working on the technical side of things. I've worked on a number of shows here in Dunedin with a number of different theatre companies.

My Skills

I have a number of skills in a variety of areas, including:

  • Web development
  • Programming
  • Lighting Design
  • Sound Design
  • Stage Management
Whilst these skills are largely self-taught I have still learnt a lot from High School computer science, and from practical experience.

Projects and shows

One of my biggest projects I've worked on is the Digital Commendation System project that I worked on for Bayfield High School. This project involved creating a system that would allow teachers to give commendations to students, and for students and parents to view their commendations. This project was created using Django, and was my first major project with real world applications and users.

I've also worked on a number of shows here in Dunedin, including:

  • Bayfield High School's 2021 production of Fame
  • Bayfield High School's 2022 production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
  • Bayfield High School's 2023 production of The Wizard of Oz
  • East Otago Musical Theatre's 2022 production of Chicago
  • Musical Theatre Dunedin's 2023 production of Jersey Boys
  • University of Otago Indian Students association 2022 production of Nightmare on Grange Street
  • University of Otago Medical School's 2023 Med Revue, Mangled
  • Taieri Musical's 2023 production of Moana Jr and Lion King Jr

Want to work with me?

If you're interested in working with me on a project, or if you'd like to hire me for a show, please get in touch with me from the link below.

Contact me

My future

I'm currently studying at the University of Otago, and I'm looking to continue my studies in Computer Science and Theatre studies. I'm also looking to continue working on my own projects, and to continue working on shows here in Dunedin.

Through M Gray Online, I'd like to do more lighting design especially in musical theatre. I really enjoy working on musicals because the interaction between the lighting and the music is really interesting.
I also want to keep working on developing websites and software, and I'm looking to expand my skills in this area both through working with clients and through my studies.